What is the Experts by Experience Employment Initiative?

EBE-Employment is an initiative to promote equitable recruitment of experts by experience. We believe that people with lived experience of the UK immigration and asylum system have the best insights to lead conversations, service design, campaigns, policy initiatives, and the charitable sector should work more ‘with’ people and less ‘for’ and ‘to’ people who are refugees and migrants. Providing practical employment support and involving people with lived experience in the workforce is an essential step to achieving this goal.

This initiative works to establish a movement of charitable organisations, salaried staff, volunteers and experts by experience in the UK migrant and refugee sector who together create pathways to lived experience leadership. Our aims are:

  1. to establish a network of organisations in the migration and asylum sector that work collaboratively to support experts by experience in their job applications to the organisations that are members of this network. We ask member organisations in this network to commit to follow good practice in inclusive employment when they advertise and recruit for their paid roles. 
  2. to mobilise volunteer mentors who provide support for experts by experience in their job applications. We welcome staff from member organisations and other experienced individuals in the sector to volunteer their time and expertise 
  3. to work meaningfully with experts by experience applicants to fine-tune our guidance, good practice tips and advice for organisations and experts by experience

Our vision and mission

  • Our vision is a migration and asylum sector that is led by experts by experience of the asylum and immigration system
  • Our mission is to create representation of people with lived experience of the asylum/migration at all levels of organisations and across different roles and departments

What do we want to achieve?

  • More experts by experience will be successful in their applications and enter the sector in paid roles. 
  • Staff with lived experience will progress their careers by moving into new roles and leadership positions.
  • Sector organisations will have inclusive recruitment processes, sharing knowledge, good practice and standardising approaches across organisations.

This initiative is part of a peer innovation challenge project that we do as part of the Clore Social Leadership training programme.

Contact us at info@ebeemployment.org.uk

Meet our team

Yusuf Ciftci
Founder & Director

Yusuf is passionate about co-production and believes that true coproduction is likely when experts by experience are staff members in organisations.

Ana Asatiani

Ana is the Expert by Experience Co-ordinator at Refugee Action. She has a background in human rights and is an active member and facilitator of the campaigning group RAS Voice.

Sabiti Mugara

Sabiti believes we all have something to offer to Experts by Experience in their journey to employment either as an individual or as part of the organisation we work with.

Amina Kadogo
Steering Committee member

Amina dreams of a sector where equity is available for experts by experience, allowing them to upskill in order to become competitive at the same level with the rest of their colleagues

Gee Manoharan
Steering Committee member

Gee is passionate about creating a movement for change that puts people with lived experience at the heart of any organisation to lead the way. Nothing about us is without us. Powerful collaboration changes the world – let’s do it right and do it together.

Lora Evans
Steering Committee member

Lora believes that supporting the entry and progression of people with lived experience within our workplaces is part of migrant solidarity. She’s interested in practical steps we can all take to create opportunities within our organisations for coproduction, skill development and career pathways.

Nicola Parker
HR Advisor

Nicola has been supporting the initiative with her expertise in HR and equitable recruitment of refugees.

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